March 30, 2019
Dear Daddy–
I don’t have time to write much this week. Too much going on, and I’ll tell you about it later. Plus my late model MacBook Pro has become once again an exhibit for your lectures on “Design for Failure,” and requires its second keyboard replacement inside six months.
I’ve written about the deck before, the one at my house. You didn’t have much to do with it, other than laying under it with me at 3:00 in the morning, drilling a hole through the house foundation so we could install an electrical outlet. It’s been there for either 14 or 15 years now. And, as of yesterday, it’s gone. My friends Ren, June and Scott came over, and, with Ethan, we tore off the deck planks I had not yet removed, dismantled the joists and beams, and now all I have left is eleven posts to pull out of the ground. Quite a project for four fifty-somethings and an overworked Millennial. But we did it.
It was a little sad, taking down the deck I’d built so my kids could jump in the pool, where we ate family dinner and watched movies and just chatted with friends. You rarely, if ever, had to tear down things you had originally built. I suppose that’s a benefit of taking so long to build them in the first place.
At any rate, too tired for a thousand words this week. Here’s some pictures instead.
–Love, Steven

I somehow didn’t realize you were doing that. Lots of work by good people! What next? You do still have the other deck, so I guess you can take your time deciding…